
Design Archives

August 22, 2006

Videos targeted at teen girls are design-obsessed

Picture%2013.1.pngThere really is too much design in sex these days. People are always asking to find my spot color or to uncoat my pantone. Some days a short skirt, a wink, and a downtempo beat seem to suffice. But MK12 couldn't leave this music video alone. Sometimes sex is so design-laced, it makes me sick to work in this business. Shame on all of you - design is the devil's work!

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August 25, 2006

Designer deserves a smack on the fanny (pack)

Mr. Hall over at Adrants forwarded me a tip he received about some ads created for a high end women's athletic boutique in LA. Overall, I'm unimpressed to say the least. If this ad was in a magazine, I'd flip right past it after having a long, soothing mental rant about typography.

Mmm... typography rants. The creative, in its entirety, should never have seen the light of day. The concept, the typography, the red border, the photography, and the layout are awful and it looks like there wasn't much thought put into any of it. The typography was raped and beaten by the designer to the point that it was to be forever scarred. Take note, blossoming typographers, those little serif fonts can't hold a damn weight against the photography and reading-wise, it's best to avoid white type unless it's a bold short headline. I think they probably paid next-to-nothing for all of the creative and that's what they got – plus a throw back to the 90's.

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August 30, 2006

If you were in the scene, you would know there is no scene

Picture%2017.pngUnderground clubs interpretively predicted the death of vinyl. One day I will need to come to terms with the fact that I may only need one turntable instead of two, and a couple crates instead of a few. Somehow that still feels like it'll be a lonely day, but perhaps I'll take an alternative route to satisfying my illegal online music fix:

"Apparently, during the 50s underground clubs in Eastern Europe & the USSR would play pirated music from the West, but the only material they had to record onto were old x-ray films. Which produced some rather lovely looking results."

Via: Protein Feed

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