Trying to tempt the viral nature of interweb videos, a few new ads from Elle Macpherson Intimates feature bored ladies in lingerie. The ads may also be an attempt at commercializing the increasing number of webcam girls that seemingly only sit bored in front of their computers as men boys unwilling to pay for PG-rated pr0n dare them to do silly things around the house. Attention-loving aside, the lingerie certainly doesn't go without notice. Adverbox points to other ads in the series.


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a nod and a wink
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She had a series of ads about three years ago involving knives and blood. I wrote about it at but none of the links there work anymore.
I'm not that impressed with the videos. They're poor quality but more important they're targeted at the wrong demographic - young men. I guess they figure if the videos get popular and viral enough they will eventually get in front of the potential buyers. A long shot if you ask me.
Nice post,