August 3, 2007

Shake Well Before Use celebrates blogiversary

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879184446_cbcc9cbb76.jpg Shake Well Before Use celebrates its first blogiversary today (one year ago: Check out my guns). Quite a bit has changed in a year, and only for the better. While I typically don't make personal posts, a blogiversary is the perfect excuse for it (and for cupcakes!). With that, there are even more changes happening right now that I wanted to share.

After 8 solid years at VML, an interactive WPP agency, I am resigning as Digital Insights Analyst to pursue social media insights consulting. During my time at VML, I had the opportunity to work with a variety of truly amazing people from whom I learned a lot.

I'm currently in the process of relocating from Kansas City to San Francisco. You can also find me in different places across the web. I'm currently writing for Engadget and Suicide Girls, discussing the intersections between advertising, sex and technology. I may also be popping up in your inbox from time to time, as I recently started working with the wonderful team at Pownce to help assist them with support issues and requests. Shake Well Before Use will continue to be my main home within the vast blogosphere and will continue to grow. Check out the updated About section for more information. I look forward to another year of change and new experiences. In the meantime, I'm celebrating with a chocolate cupcake.


Ariel -- Congratulation on the blogiversary and the new move. Sounds like you're going to have fun, plus SF beats KC any day.

Cheers, happy blogiversary. Do we all get cupcakes like birthdays in grade school?

Happy Blogiversary! Here is to another great year!



Hey Ariel,

Congratulations on the blogiversary and good luck with all your new endeavors.

Keep the great posts coming. I always look forward to them.

Your blogiversary and the #1 spot on the on the Most Bangable Blog Babe site ( What an honor!

congrats on your first year - the second year is tougher, please stick it out!

er, so to speak...

keep up the great stuff!


Congrats on the first year! Its definitely an achievement.

We'll have to meet up before you disappear to SF :)

Cheers! and Happy Blogiversary. Always a kick to read your words. Don't miss the Treasure Island Music Festival in September - a very SF thing to do...

Thank you everyone for your kind words! :)

so glad you're moving out here :) and congrats on finishing another year.

so glad you're moving out here :) and congrats on finishing a year of blogging here. look forward to the second anniversary. hopefully there's cupcakes for everyone.

Congrats on the move, more KC expats to San Francisco, wooohooo!

Oh, and happy anniversary as well.

Good Luck in San Fran, we'll miss you at VML.

Congrats, Ariel! Good luck in San Fran.

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