At least it wasn't 'hold Justin Tumberlake's dick-in-a-box for an Xbox'?
Dane Cook thinks bloggers are cynical assholes. Maybe so, but even we write better jokes.
Previously: Wii puts Weight Watchers to shame: The After.
Greatest thing since for sliced bread, Toast Automatica.
No, I really don't care what you read today.


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a nod and a wink
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Thank you for agreeing that Dane Cook is a hack. So much hype over so little talent.
There is nothing sexier than a woman who dislikes Dane Cook.
(Of course, last week I said that there was nothing sexier than a woman who can drive a stick shift.)
Ariel, you have your first stalker. Congrats. Keep the shades drawn at night.
hee hee
I'm waaaay too self-absorbed for stalking.
Not worried... I can't drive a stick shift.
you are so FABULOUS ariel!